There are many people who face the problems of overweight. Why is it so? The reasons can be that car is used to move to even shorter distances. The high-tech instruments in our life have to an extent added to this. Or the reason may due to our eating habits.
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You can say that the reason for obesity is a bit of all the factors mentioned above. But we have the control on it as we can control our life. We will have to decide the mode of transportation and the things that we eat. We have the complete control of our life and we can make it or mar it. When we look many decades back we can say that obesity was not a problem then. There was not much pollution in those days as we have now. Every one cares for their body and would like to look lean and beautiful. Every one wants to weigh only that much which is allowable according to his/her height.
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Every one has the control of his or her life. If you want to be healthy and fit then you will have to work out for it. Like in your business if you want results then you work for it and in the same way in your personal life also you will have to work so that you are healthy. If you do nothing then the result will be that you cannot finish the work and you will be tired and exhausted. You will have heart problems, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases. So if you want to stay fit then you will have to adopt a routine of workouts.